Port School was invited to send a delegate to Parliament House in Canberra in Term 4, to meet with the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon. Jason Clare and to discuss a range of issues facing the education system and give him an understanding of the breadth and scope of the Independent Schools sector.
It was an honour for Port School to be selected as one of only two independent schools in Western Australia to be invited to send a delegate. The Minister was interested in hearing firsthand from teachers and school leaders about the significant contribution independent schooling makes to the education of young Australians. Seventeen teachers and school leaders from remote, regional, metropolitan, boarding and specialist schools participated in the round table discussion and provided Minister Clare with an understanding of the diversity, complexity and issues that impact independent schools. Key among the matters discussed were workforce shortages, mental health of students, teachers and school leaders and addressing disadvantage.
Port School was represented by Matt Hopkins who contributed to the discussion on education in a broad sense, but who was also asked to talk to the minister specifically about Port School and how we address mental health and disadvantage within our community. Minister Clare was very interested in how Port School is a vital part of the educational landscape in Perth’s southern suburbs and how we work with young people to achieve success. The round table was a great opportunity for Port School to connect with other independent schools within Australia and to present to Minister Clare the important work we do to create a sustainable education system for all students.