An increasing number of students are travelling to and from school on eRideables, both eScooters and eSkateboards.
In order to ensure the safety of all students, staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors on campus, the following safety rules apply.
- A helmet must always be worn when riding an eRideable.
- Only one person is to be on an eRideable at any time. It is illegal for the rider to carry a passenger.
- Under no circumstance should an eRideable be ridden on school grounds, riders must disembark before entering the school campus.
- During school hours, all eRideables are to be securely parked/kept at the bike rack next to the Middle School.
- Students are not permitted to access or ride their eRideable during recess or lunch break.
- eRideables are not to be stored in classrooms, the staff room, the bus shed or any other school building.
- The School does not accept responsibility for the loss, theft or damage to any eRideable. Students bring these to school at their own risk.
- Students not following these rules will have their eRideable confiscated. This may result in the parent/carer having to collect the item from the school.
When riding eRideables outside of school grounds, riders are reminded that they must comply with the WA Road Safety Commission Rules, which can be found in the link below.