Port’s major art project in Semester 2 was the collaborative ‘Sculptures at Port’, a big vision that became a reality because of the superb Arts team and other key staff in our fabulous school. Students worked individually or in teams to produce unique public artworks, in a variety of mediums and styles of their choice. These pieces formed a comprehensive sculpture park walk at the annual Art Exhibition, with guests voting for their favourite work in the Public Choice Award. Congratulations go to all students and staff who were involved in this challenging project, their persistence and problem-solving skills were outstanding, as were their original and creative ideas and media use.
We are pleased to announce that the winner of this award was ‘Lifesavers – 5 Flavours’ constructed by Gus and Lela, a fun piece that grabbed the attention of the public with its large-scale approach to the recognisable iconic sweet. Second place was awarded to ‘Rose Mourante’ conceived and created by Shelby, Lela and Zander, a large-scale dying, metal rose with a solar powered light emanating from inside the petals. Third place winner was ‘Thee Dragon’ by Flynn, with his accomplished metal sculpture that was constructed with guidance from Tim Murphy. Thank you to everyone who came along to the exhibition and voted. Congratulations to the winners of this prestigious artistic award!
The exhibition was a fantastic community event with a total of $8,027.80 being raised on the night to support Klang Special School in Malaysia. Some of this money was kindly donated to assist with the purchase of some essentials for the new Arts Hub. Plans are underway to vacate our current art room in the senior school building and we will be moving into the vacated middle school classrooms. The Art Crew are very excited about their new space and look forward to setting it up over time as a purpose-built flexible art studio and workspace. The vision is for more flexible creative learning to happen in the hub and ultimately also incorporating an outdoor learning space. The final few weeks of Term 4 have afforded the art students freedom to work on personal projects in a theme and medium of their choice, which wraps up a very busy and productive semester!
It has been another incredible year of artistic bravery and exploration. Port’s Art Crew – Dee, Dan and Poh could not be happier and they look forward to doing it all again in 2023.