Our annual fundraising Trivia Night was held at the end of Term 2. This year’s theme was inspired by Hollywood and was entitled “A Night at the Movies”. Teams were invited to dress up as their favourite movie character and the costumes really took it to the next level!
The evening was hosted by “The Cat in a Hat” (aka Tom), who was ably assisted by “Thing 1 and 2” (aka Eileen and Georgia). There was no messing around with Elwood and Jake Blues (aka “The Blues Brothers”) who were on a “mission from God” to make sure that all 16 teams played fairly and squarely!
The champion team, “Th3 Degener4tes”, came in with a staggering 91.5 points, followed by “The Isle of Dogs” on 77.5 and “The Directors” on 75. Last year’s winners, “Unit 4 plus 2” brought up the rear this year with a disappointing 41 points!
The top costume went to an amazing Michelangelo (aka Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) and the overall team theme went to team “Wonderland” with all team members dressed in the amazing costumes!
It was a truly night out at the movies and we raised a fabulous $1350 for our Malaysia fundraising campaign!