COVID-19 Update - Keeping Port School Safe

Letter from Principal Barry Finch to the Port School Community on 11 February, 2022.


Dear Parents and Carers,

The WA Government has this week released additional measures in place for schools to keep them safe and open for learning.  All students who are well are encouraged to attend school. We kindly ask that you read and adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Students who are unwell or symptomatic should remain at home. If they have any COVID-19 like symptoms, they should have a COVID-19 test and remain at home until a negative test result is received.
  • Symptoms include fever, sore/scratchy throat, runny nose, fatigue, shortness of breath and dry cough. Further information on symptoms can be found at
  • Parents/carers will be contacted to collect their student from school if they display COVID-19 like symptoms and/or have an elevated temperature. If the parent/carer is not available to collect their student, they will be asked to consent to their child taking a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at school. If a positive result is received, the student will not be permitted to travel home by public transport and the parent/carer must make appropriate arrangements for them to be collected as soon as possible from school.
  • Students must wear a mask when at school. Masks do not need to be worn when they are engaged in physical activity or when eating or drinking. Students should bring their own masks, as the School only has a limited stock.
  • To be exempt from wearing a mask, parents/carers must present a medical certificate confirming the student is unable to wear a mask for medical reasons.
  • Parents/carers are asked not to come into the school office unless there is a significant pastoral or welfare issue relating to their child.  All contact with myself and your student’s mentor/teachers should please be conducted by phone or email.
  • Parents/carers can still drop-off and pick-up students. Please be reminded to wear a mask on campus (even when outdoors) unless physical distancing can be maintained.
  • Students must wash their hands thoroughly at the washing station before entering the School and are reminded to practice good hygiene.
  • Students are requested to bring their own water bottles which can be refilled at the water fountain.


New close contact definitions are now in place, as well as testing and isolation protocols. Isolation has been reduced to 7 days. Full information is available at:


To keep staff and students safe, we confirm that:

  • All Port staff comply with mandatory vaccination requirements.
  • We will continue to promote the practice of good hygiene principles.
  • Staff will remain at home if unwell or symptomatic and follow COVID-19 safe guidelines.
  • Staff will continue to practice social distancing where practicable.
  • Hand sanitiser is available in all classrooms and learning areas.
  • High touch surfaces are regularly cleaned.
  • Weekly school parliament will be held outdoors on the oval where students and staff can socially distance.
  • Under current guidelines, our canteen will continue to operate as normal.
  • Venues used for off-site activities will be assessed for COVID-19 safety.


It is important that we all work together to keep our community safe, and we thank you for your support at this difficult time.

Please call the School if you have any queries regarding these guidelines.

Best Regards,

Barry Finch

(08) 9335 6323