Curtin University Language Skill Study

Port School has agreed to participate in a study with Curtin University, about young people in Years 7 to 10 who attend CARE schools.

The study will assess the oral language skills of students in Years 7 to 10. This will be based on an informal conversation and language assessment which measures vocabulary, grammar and understanding.

The testing will take place in Semester 2 2021 and Semester 1 2022. It will consist of 1-2 sessions of no more than 30-45 minutes, with breaks if required, and will be carried out by a speech pathologist.

Your child will not be identified, and any information relating to Port School and your student will be removed from the data. Taking part in this study is voluntary, and you may withdraw your child at any time.

Please click on the link below for further information regarding this study.

If you and your child are interested in participating, please sign both consent forms which has been sent to your home address (one for parent/carers and one for your child), and return it to the school by the start of Term 3 2021. The consent forms are also available to download below.

On behalf of Curtin University, thank you for your assistance with this study.



(08) 9335 6323