We would like to remind all community members of the following procedures which are in place to ensure that Port School remains safe for students and staff:
- Students and staff who are unwell and show any symptoms of a respiratory illness must not come to school.
- If you or your child have any symptoms, you are required to get COVID tested and isolate until a negative result is received. Staff and students are not permitted to return to school until that time. A list of COVID testing clinics and locations can be found on the Healthy WA website.
- Parents/carers will be contacted to collect their student from school if they display cold or flu-like symptoms and/or have an elevated temperature. They will not be permitted to travel home by public transport.
- Students and staff must wash their hands thoroughly at the washing station before entering the school and are reminded to practice good hygiene.
- Students are requested to bring their own water bottles which can be refilled at the water fountain.
- Hand sanitiser will be available in all classrooms and learning areas.
- Students and staff are reminded to maintain a 1.5 metre social distance at all times.
It is important that we all work together to keep our community safe and we thank you for your support and understanding.
Please click on the links below for further useful information.