Is Your Student Interested in Enrolling in a TAFE Course in 2022?

Applications are now open for your student to apply for a place in the vocational educational courses delivered to secondary students (VETDSS) commencing in 2022.
These offer an opportunity for students to undertake a qualification at TAFE as part of their school program. This is a competitive process, but is one of the few chances for your child to potentially undertake a TAFE qualification free of charge.

Click on the link below to download the list of courses available at both South and North TAFE campuses.
Time is of the essence, so please discuss this with your child.

You can email your interest to or call Maria on 9335 6323 to lodge your interest.

Please note the deadline to register interest in enrolling your student is Friday 13 August!

Click on the links below for further information regarding the courses which are available.

(08) 9335 6323