Two of our students are currently undertaking a very exciting certificate course in aviation. Jorja Kiely and Kacee Thorne are both on this course two days a week, based out of South Metro TAFE in Jandakot. The expectations are high, and seen from the images, it’s both fun and educational, and also provides amazing potential career pathways in the aviation industry.
On completion of their Certificate III in Aviation (Cabin Crew) the students will be recruitment-ready for an exciting career as a flight attendant or cabin crew member. They will gain valuable skills and experience in emergency response drills, first aid, responsible service of beverages, teamwork, customer service and preparation for cabin duties. They will be coached in dealing with difficult passengers on an aircraft with crew member security training.
South Metropolitan TAFE has a Boeing 737 which is used for the majority of the practical training. The fun begins with practical exercises such as evacuating down a slide, simulated cabin fires with a smoke machine, fire fighting, ditching and life raft training. They will have hands on instruction in the full-length cabin with business and economy class seating, fully operational galleys, cabin service equipment and PA system.
Graduates of this course have successfully gained employment with both regional and international airlines as cabin crew members. Students must be fit and healthy in order to successfully complete the airline’s emergency procedure training. A prerequisite for the course is the ability to swim a minimum of 50 metres, unaided and fully clothed. Students must provide a swimming certificate in order to demonstrate they meet this criteria in order to participate in the water training exercises.