Port School recently hosted a visit from Colin Pettit, Western Australia’s Commissioner for Children and Young People.
Commissioner Pettit met with young mums who are re-engaging in their education at Port School’s Young Parent Centre. This program also offers the girls support with parenting skills, together with a wide range of wrap-around support services. The Commissioner then enjoyed a tour of the Senior School, en route catching a glimpse of the the new kitchen and canteen development which is currently underway. There was a brief opportunity to meet students in the Team Sport Program, where he lent a hand fielding for the indoor cricket team! The tour continued to Port Middle School, where the Commissioner chatted with Year 8 and 9 students and staff.
Commissioner Pettit has spent his career working to improve the wellbeing of children and young people, particularly in regard to education services and programs for those living in regional and remote areas. He has engaged with families, children, young people and communities all over the State. As a teacher, and then Principal, he worked in a number of regional schools, before taking up the position of Executive Director Regional and Remote Education at the Western Australian Department of Education for three years.
Between 2010 and 2015, Colin Pettit was Secretary of Education for the Tasmanian Department of Education. He is a former President of the Primary Principals’ Association of WA and Deputy President of the Australian Primary Principal’s Association. Commissioner Pettit is also an Ambassador for Barking Gecko Theatre and the Valuing Children Initiative. He is Vice Chancellor of the Children’s University WA Partnership, a collaboration between the University of WA and Edith Cowan University which delivers the Children’s Australasia Program in WA. In February 2019, Commissioner Pettit was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Education from Edith Cowan University. Colin Pettit is a father of three and a grandfather of three.
Port School staff and students send a huge thank you to the Commissioner for taking the time to visit us in Hamilton Hill!